Gabriela Gonzalez


student bio

Gabriela Gonzalez was born in Caracas, Venezuela, and moved to the US as an international student to begin her career in graphic design. After obtaining an associates degree at the Community College of Denver she transferred to the University of Colorado Denver to continue growing her skills as a visual designer and photographer.

She is currently finishing her BFA degree in Digital Design along with two minor emphases on Photography and Studio Arts.


artist statement

During all my years of study, art and design have been my focus and motivation on everything I do. I like to create not only visually pleasant pieces, but also mindful designs. I love to be able to leave a message, a solution or a lesson behind everything I create. I work with the goals and ideas that need to be communicated through visually compelling artwork. I use design as my medium of communication and as a form of expression not only for myself or to say what I think, but for what others wants to communicate. I use design as a voice to communicate what other's think in the way they can best be understood.